The key objective of Himalayan Blooms USA is to empower women, no handouts, but giving an opportunity to learn, and gain confidence to succeed. An empowered woman is the best role model for children, and especially the daughters, who would be inspired by their mother to break the barriers, to believe in the self; to learn and excel.
Himalayan Blooms provides training and equipment at no cost to the ladies to learn new skills, and become financial contributor to the family. During the short period of HB involvement since late 2015, the ladies have come a long way improving their knitting skills, innovating new designs, learning office skills in maintaining inventory, recording keeping, learning data entry on the laptop, scheduling of work and understand the importance of deadlines.
Forty to fifty knitters are actively joined our organization. Many more have registered, ready to join the team.
Your participation would increase the chances of success in this uphill battle. Give us your helping hand in any of the areas:
- Become a partner in-change
- Gift our product to your friends, and relatives because your action is strengthening someone.
- As an employer, gift our items and send a powerful message to your employees that philanthropy is everyone’s moral responsibility.
- Help Himalayan Blooms to market the product
- Make us your fabricator. The ladies would make the items to your custom designs, and specifications, in the materials you select or supply. We would deliver on schedule, and we would make it at the lowest cost.
- Contribute by sponsoring purchase of the tools, equipment, training to improve skills, or development funds.
- Hiring marketing help.
- Building a small knitting center, install proper lighting; establish work areas and furnishings with suitable work tables, etc.
Write to us:
Himalayan Blooms is a Non-Profit organization, organized and supported by volunteers. Volunteering support is needed in all areas of expertise
that would help strengthen the organization, such as: